TOTW: February and Post-CNY.

TOTW is a revised segment where I share about small little parts of my life and my dear thoughts that comes with these little things. This is simply to share a piece of my mind to the Internet, to see if anyone out there has the same thinking as I do, so please also understand that these are just thoughts and small segments of a life of a teenager. Thank you for understanding & reading. 🙂

Hello there!

I’m back from all the Lunar New Year celebrations!

I do have to say, it wasn’t quite as bad as I thought it would be. And I’ll mention this before continuing on about my week, I will be posting some photographs at the end of the post, so if you’re interested, just click on the link.

Well, I last posted on Wednesday, and I actually left the country across the border on Thursday. Well… Basically we had reunion dinner at a relative’s place, spent a few hours there, before heading back to my grandparents’ house. I have to say, this year’s reunion dinner was slightly more interesting, actually. I actually had a conversation with my aunt, who’s actually just a couple of years older than me. And it was interesting because… we sort of never do have conversations with each other. To think the conversation started because I did a tiny Dutch braid into a ponytail.

The ride back to my grandparents’ place was pretty much the best part of the day as it strike midnight before we got back. The moment midnight came about, there were just fireworks and fire crackers everywhere. It was quite an atmosphere to be experiencing. My dad and I actually drove past a house that just started a chain of fire crackers. It was amazeballs! Not to mention in the neighborhood, there were just so many people putting fireworks and fire crackers. It was actually quite a sight, because I’ve never actually witnessed or heard such enthusiastic festive atmosphere before. In the past years, it was usually just a couple of stray booms. This year’s was just… awesome. 😀

Not to offend anyone, but my first day of Lunar New Year basically comprises of going to relatives’ houses, smiling at relatives who’s faces I remember but names I don’t. Well, that, as well as going to temples and praying. Yup.

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